Old School Sports Day/Bubble MayHEM and Goggle Football
“Train like a pro, look like an amateur”. The events focus is a game of 5 a side football, but everyone is wearing a pair of our specially designed Visual Impairment Goggles that make the ball either look 5 times further away from you or 5 times closer!
It’s fresh air kick after fresh air kick followed by looks of complete and utter bemusement on everyone’s faces!
We have a wide variety of games available to keep your group entertained including Circle ‘Rondo’, Keep Ball Session and a Ronaldo-esque Training Routine.
Old School Sports Day/Bubble MayHEM and Goggle Football - Enquiries
"*" indicates required fields
Popular Locations
- Basingstoke
- Bath
- London
- Birmingham
- Blackpool
- Bournemouth
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Cardiff
- Chester
- Cheltenham
- Colchester
- Coventry
- Exeter
- High Wycombe
- Hull
- Huddersfield
- Ipswich
- Leeds
- Leicester
- Liverpool
- Manchester
- Milton Keynes
- Newcastle
- Newquay
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Northampton
- Oxford
- Abingdon
- Peterborough
- Plymouth
- Portsmouth
- Preston
- Reading
- Sheffield
- Southampton
- Swansea
- Swindon
- Stoke
- Sunderland
- Torquay
- Wigan
- West Bromwich
- Wolverhampton
- York
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- Amsterdam
- Dublin
- Prague
- Bratislava
- Belfast
- Shoreditch
- Wimbledon
- Vauxhall
- Gloucester
- Harrogate
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- Tonbridge
- Weston-super-Mare
- Winchester
- Windsor
- Andover
- Aylesbury
- Banbury
- Barnstaple
- Bicester
- Chichester
- Cirencester
- Chippenham
- Dorchester
- Eastbourne
- Kings Lynn
- Loughborough
- Maidenhead
- Newton Abbot
- Poole
- Royal Leamington Spa
- Royal Tunbridge Wells
- Worcester
- Barnes
- Canterbury
- Derby
- Luton
- Maidstone
- Middlesbrough
- Watford
- Wembley
- Blackburn
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- Ruislip
- St Albans
- Sutton
- Sunbury
- Tottenham
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- Newport
- Shrewsbury
- Slough
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- Stockport
- Kilmarnock
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- Dundee
- Barnsley
- Chiswick
- Halesowen
- Beckenham
- Bridgwater
- Brentwood
- Chelmsford
- Hayes
- Heathrow
- Hereford
- Lincoln
- Oswestry
- Taunton
- Yeovil
- Woking
- Bexleyheath
- Paisley
- Chingford
- Dagenham
- Henley-on-Thames
- Amersham
- Ascot
- Brackley
- Bracknell
- Buckingham
- Burford
- Carterton
- Chesham
- Chipping Norton
- Cricklade
- Deddington
- Didcot
- Earley
- Fairford
- Faringdon
- Highworth
- Hook
- Kidlington
- Lechlade-on-Thames
- Malmesbury
- Marlborough
- Marlow
- Newbury
- Princes Risborough
- Thame
- Thatcham
- Wallingford
- Wantage
- Whitchurch
- Winnersh
- Witney
- Wokingham
- Wroughton
- Dudley
- Christchurch
- Ashford
- Battersea
- Bedford
- Beaconsfield
- Burton-on-Trent
- Bury
- Bury St Edmunds
- Bodmin
- Bognor Regis
- Bude
- Bromley
- Cannock
- Chepstow
- Warwick
- Virtual Events
- Accrington
- Aintree
- Aldershot
- Barking
- Bexhill
- Bishop Storford
- Borehamwood
- Boston
- Boston
- Benidorm
- Ibiza
- Malaga
- Fuengirola
- Benalmadena
- Albufeira
- Barcelona
- Marbella
- Alicante
Booking Process
- Send us an enquiry with the date and times that you would like us to host your Old School Sports Day event.
- We email you a link to your online event page where you can pay your £50 non refundable deposit to confirm your event.
- Final group numbers and balance due three weeks before your event.
- Once your balance has been paid we will email you with an electronic event pack containing all the details of your booking.